...also known as the Snowden Junior Snoops, have their own portraits! Sorry, no peril illustrations because they're still such young girls, but I thought I'd show the newest trio of Snoops--Emma Walters in the yellow jumper, Destiny White in the darling little pink frock, and Susie Ross in her newest spoil-her-rotten blue party dress! When Camp Evergreen returns with its latest mystery, you can bet that these four little sleuthing scamps will be there camping their way through another mystery!
Let's start with Emma, sometimes simply called "Em" by her friends. She's a little on the plup side, but she's full of ADHD energy! She has a big brother Colton that the older Junior Snoops Charity Mabrey and Jill Burton both are crushing on, and as far as Emma's concerned, they can have him! He's a major pain in her rear, as related in The Snowden Junior Snoops: The Poor Little Rich Girl Mystery! With a brother like Colton, who needs villains?...
Then there's Destiny, the new girl in Snowden. Between her father, the new AD at Snowden State University, and her African-Canadian criminal-forensics-bachelor's-holder mother, Destiny has both the brains and the spunk to be a first-rate junior detective! Bright, polite, energetic, and a natural leader--she's a natural Junior Snoop!
And finally, little Susie Ross, who, as anyone who has read The Secret of Camp Evergreen knows, started life as impoverished little Susie Robinson before she was orphaned by her estranged and criminally-insane father's murder of her mother and baby brother. After the tumultuous events in Secret, a Julie Ross who had simply fallen in love with the little girl who had saved her son Jaden's life (no less than Jaden himself fell for her with a big-brother's ardor) convinced her husband Dr. Charles Ross to adopt her as their own. And as anyone who has read The Snoop Mommies Mysteries: The Smell Test knows, that turned out in a very special way! She's brave and affectionate, much like her hero Abbie Dwight! Along with her besties Emma and Destiny, she'll make a great Snoop!
So, how about it? Which one of these newest Junior Snoops is the most adorable of the bunch? Vote early and often!
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